Industrial doors and energy savings - ISOMAX

ISOMAX is the IMVA Industrial Doors solution for SUPERTHERMIC industrial doors with even higher thermal insulation.   

Even more quality, even more technical innovation. With the SUPERTHERMIC ISOMAX evolution, we have improved the thermal transmittance efficiency to the maximum thanks to a sandwich panel that reduces thermal dispersion by more than 30% compared to a traditional insulated panel.

Spessore ante ISOMAX portoni industriali coibentati

Spessore ante ISOMAX portoni industriali coibentati

A:  CFC-free polyurethane foam (Chlorine, Fluoride, Carbides)
B:  Frame in extruded technopolymer with low thermal conductivity
C:  Exclusive dovetail profile for inserting concealed hinges (IMVA patent)

Maximum height: 10000 mm

The advantages?

- Improvement of the thermal characteristics of the industrial building
- Improvement of the performance characteristics
- Immediate energy saving
- Tax deductions thanks to access to energy-saving bonuses
(depending on the climatic zone in which the door is installed)


ISOMAX panels allow the creation of industrial doors that are unique of their kind, able to meet the requirements of thermal transmittance required by the Law in almost all national climatic zones, even in the presence of inspection windows (in the double-glazed version).

Portoni coibentati ISOMAX IMVA - italia zone climatiche

Thermal transmittance values for product lines

Exemplary thermal transmittance calculation for a door with 4 leaves for a total of approx. 25 m²

•    SUPERTHERMIC standard panel U = 1.53 W/m² K 
•    SUPERTHERMIC ISOMAX panel U = 1.09 W/m² 

Maximum height 5.000 mm. / Max. Width 6.000 mm )


The ISOMAX IMVA Industrial Doors series is today the most suitable technical solution for the energy-saving needs of an industrial building envelope that wants to improve its thermal characteristics to the maximum, in full compliance with current regulations and opening access to tax benefits. 

Update of the energy performance standards. ››

ISOMAX hinged door: 

In combination with the ISOMAX Series, IMVA Industrial Doors has developed a hinged door with thermal break profile which makes it possible to obtain a Thermal Transmittance value U equal to 1.30 W/m² K (value measured on a 1300x2200 mm hinged door).

Sezione porta ISOMAX portoni industriali coibentati

This type of door has the same aesthetics as the industrial door and therefore guarantees a perfect match with the industrial door, generating aesthetic harmony in the building.
Configurations with 1 or 2-panels
Closing mechanism with lock or anti-panic bar
Larger adjustable hinges
Aluminium inspection window with low-emission double glazing 8/9 + 9 + 6/7

Construction, dimensional and colour characteristics (excluding thermal break profile), quite similar to the EXIT pedestrian doors ( see ›› )

Want to know more?

Tel.: +39 059 908313



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