Technical doors and Certifications: a solid Regulatory foundation

IMVA Industrial Doors, as a member of ACMI (Italian Association of Manufacturers of Doors and Mechanisms), participates and supports the work for the adaptation of laws and regulations at national and European level. 

All models of industrial doors and high-speed doors by IMVA Industrial Doors are rigorously produced in compliance with the European standards. Our company is part of the ACMI Association and we have contributed to the study of the qualifications necessary for the production and marketing of the entire sector of technical doors and to the adaptation of laws and regulations, in particular, referring to safety, a fundamental requirement for industrial doors.Vanni Tinti, President of IMVA srl is Honorary President of the ACMI Association (Italian Association of Manufacturers of Doors and Mechanisms).
Matteo Tinti, IMVA srl customer care manager, is a member of the ACMI Technical/Regulatory Committee (Italian Association of Manufacturers of Doors and Mechanisms).

Generally speaking and depending on their type, our products comply with the following Regulations:

UNI EN 1627:2011/EC 1-2018 resistance to anti-intrusion  (LIBER folding door)
UNI EN 12444:2002 wind load
UNI EN 13241-1:2011 performance and safety requirements
UNI EN 13241-1:2003 thermal transmittance
UNI EN 1026-1:2016 air permeability
UNI EN 1027-1:2016 water tightness
UNI EN 12211:2016 wind load resistance

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